Tuesday, 3 September 2013

How to Get To Surya Rakit,Tasik Kenyir

Surya Rakit does not have an address. Well, perhaps you can say it is along the banks of  Tasik Besar.

The best way to make your way here is to call either one for the operators and they will  give you directions.
(See contact numbers at base of this blog)

For an idea where this place is,(it can be quite tricky for the first-timer) Head towards Tasik kenyir,Terengganu. Take the Jerangua trnk road or come from Kuala Dungun. You'll be passing the town of Kuala Berang (there is an expressway under constructions but yet to be opened), pass small Kampungs like Kuala Telemung, Kuala Peng. From Kuala Peng, it is another 5 kms before you come to a major inetrsection, At this major intersection where the future expressway link is, turn left and head for Pengkalan Gawi.

You can turn into this jetty for a quick lookaround of the dam area. Come back out to the main road , turn left after this junction and head on further along the main trunk road for about 24 kms.

The road will be winding and after 24 kms, you will see a bridge over the lake in the distance.Before coming to this bridge, you'll see swathes of Tasik kenyir on your left. means you are getting nearer. In the distance, you can see this bridge looming. DO NOT CROSS THIS BRIDGE or you would have missed the turning to your right to a gravel road. You can see some signboards at the roadside.
Trundle on the road for about 500 metres and you come to a clearing with cars to park. WEll, this is still not it although you will find a rakit here. Head on a road further into the bushes for about 200 metres and you come to a riverbank.

Here, you can horn or flash your headlights (at night)so the boatman can hear you. I did something crazy a couple of times. I screamed the boatman's name DIIIIIIIIIN! ... well, it worked. Sleeping monkeys won't be too pleased, i know. Sorry!

Always let the operator know the estimated time of your arrival so he'll watch out for you. Park your car here and unload at the banks. Don't worry it is quite safe here... fingers crossed, no jaga kereta fellas to harass you...

So i hope this helps you to find this Surya rakit.... Do read earlier blogs for an idea of life without wi-fi, handphone signals and at times, current shutdown for a couple of hours.... no, you won't collapse in fits, scream in fear, undergo withdrawal symptoms and holler for Mama.... we rat packs from Kuala Lumpur went, survived and look forward to coming back everytime. There's a mini waterfall nearby. Ask about this place and at the right time of the year(the water levels shifts about 30 feet due to its dam flows), why... you have your very own jacuzzi ala Naturale! Seems there is a second dam being built up the road and if you need to make phone calls here... Maxis and U-mobile signals are superb here and there is a convenience store for all your necessities, even beer.

Sometime in 2015, there will be internet access for sure and thus, escapade from urban life would have lost its lustre slightly... oh, dear."Clients will be calling you when you struggling with a fish at the end of your rod.... oh, the thought, the thought of that...."

Okay, okay.. for now,. there's Astro so you won't think you're acting out a personal episode of Man vs Wild. I caught reruns of Avengers and Transformers all over again...

Think of the chilly nights,springwater as you bathe, rain that pours so majestically, scrumptious food with a fish dish always awaiting when the bell sounds and all the tea, coffee and Milo you wanna have... good sitdown toilets, a lounge and a wooden pontoon where you can laze and gaze at stars with a cold beer in hand ( get your booze in yourself,please). Clear your head without cleaning out your wallet, see the walls for visitor's catches and know that the bigger ones are those that got away...

Rakit Operators :
Ang  012 9644 555
Khairi 017 9078 674

Rates : 3 days 2 nites RM350 nett per pax
           4 days 3 nites RM450 nett per pax

I wish you a most relaxing journey with Nature as your butler. Enjoy!

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